August 11, 2011

Men Fear the Mop & Glo

"I did the dishes, per your request. You will pay. Big time. Muhwaaaa ha ha haaaa haaa!"

"Honey, I just ATE. YOU clean the dining room table off.. "

"I am SO NOT amused by your proposal of Mop & Glo!"

"Sorry? Did you just say 'dust the house' ?! NO! I will not!"

This really requires no caption from the mouth of Brando.

Ava, Carole, and Josephine all say NO to the swiffer!

"Darling, can't you see I'm drying my nails? I simply cannot sweep up dog hair right now!"

 "I'm too preoccupied by my nearly naked breasts and pearl encrusted headdress right now to even THINK about cleaning the toilet!"

 "Please, God, make those people stop asking me to pick up that dog poop!"

"You obviously have NO idea who I am or you would have hesitated in asking me to dry those dishes."

Ann Sheridan Taunts You a Second Time for asking her to pick up a broom..

"I'm too comfortable to sweep at the moment..."

 "Now is not the time for dishes!"

 "I will NOT forsake this perfect lighting for a 'round with a mop!"

"Don't look Mr. Bear! Someone is cleaning.. pssst.. it's NOT me!"

The Men May NOT be amused by the thought of housework

Shaving to go on a date, not clean house.

Calling the cleaning service, cuz Clint's havin' a pooool partay!

James Dean is feeling meloncholic, as someone asked him about the nature of housework... 
he knows it not.

Marcello Mastroianni was blown away by the proposition of housecleaning! 

Rock smiles, amused... at the preponderance of quality oven cleaner. He has no idea WTH that is...

August 10, 2011

Marilyn, obviously WAY too Glamorous for Housework!

"Who cleaned that window!? Not me! LOLz"

These ARE NOT feather-dusters.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak housework..."

Laureen Bacall, Bogart, and the Divine Miss M. He's a tad distracted. No housework today, for sure...

These Dames will have NOTHING Of that thing called HOUSEWORK!

Joan Crawford cleans her teeth with a knife.

Nita Naldi, Watching someone else do housework... she gave that person this autographed photo of her watching them clean house. Yay!

Norma shearer is simply not wearing the correct apparel to conduct any housework what-so-ever...

Garbo. Housework. No. Just NO.